STEMFX: Growing skills of tomorrow in our local Harrisburg community

STEMFX is a WebFX program, established in 2020, that allows us to provide ongoing learning and growth opportunities to high school-aged students in our local community.

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Driven by team momentum, the $15,000+/year investment into our community allows us to offer learning opportunities to students who may lack learning resources in or outside the classroom.

By The Numbers

  • 338% increase in computer jobs over the last 20 years
  • 8,650,000 STEM jobs available in the US
  • -12% percentage drop in computer science degrees earned by women since 1991
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Recent StemFX Graduates

  • Mohammad, Harrisburg High School, Web Developer Bootcamp
  • Zimirah, Harrisburg High School, Social Media Masterclass
  • Kevin, Harrisburg High School, Web Designer Bootcamp
  • Christiantus, Harrisburg High School, Digital Marketing Masterclass
  • Alec, Harrisburg High School, Web Designer Bootcamp
  • Nabeel, Harrisburg High School, Social Media Masterclass

How STEMFX Works

  1. Twice a year in September and February, WebFX launches 15 STEMFX learning paths which all students at Harrisburg High, Harrisburg High School SciTech Campus, Steelton-Highspire High, McCaskey High School, Columbia High School, Lampeter Strasburg High School, William Penn High School, Dover High School, and York Tech are eligible to apply for on a first-come, first serve basis.
  2. The first 15 students accepted into the program will receive eight industry-related learning paths to choose from to complete. The learning paths range from Web Developer boot camps to Social Media Marketing courses.
  3. The accepted students have 6 months to work through the courses assigned to their learning path, making them eligible for one of 15 $500 grants following completion.
  4. Grants are mailed to the recipients following course completion during the allotted time frame and can be used for purchasing a computer, phone, tech device, or continued education opportunity.

Meet WebFX

“Thank you so much for hosting this event for us and for giving us the amazing opportunity to see how a day in WebFX works. I was very surprised by the fact that the workspace was so friendly. After talking with the team's representatives, I had no doubt that the people in the company made it shine so bright. I enjoyed learning about them and the valuable advice they shared. How it is okay to make mistakes, because we learn from them. To be determined and to know that it is okay not to know everything at first. Just getting the chance to meet new people and listen to them talk about something they love so much doing is fulfilling. I really hope that this year will turn into the tenth year in a row that the company wins #1 best place to work in PA.”

With the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasted 8% growth in STEM careers between 2019 and 2029, compared to an anticipated 3.4% increase in non-STEM occupations, WebFX wants to pave the way for underrepresented students in our local community.

Areas of Study

What is STEMFX?

At WebFX, we accept responsibility, work with integrity, and give back to others. We believe in a diverse work environment that helps foster ongoing learning and a growth mindset within our company and our community. Our core values align with the impact we hope to continue making.


Additional Resources

Everyone starts somewhere, the same goes for learning to code!

Interested in diving into STEM-related learning resources and further education?
We’ve compiled a list of online resources to help you master the craft.


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